Today is officially our last day in Bonn. It is so weird to think we have been here four weeks. It seems like just yesterday we were hauling all of our stuff into our dorm rooms. The day started off with hopping on the U-Bahn to go to Cologne for the last time to visit the Olympia Museum. This I think was my favorite museum that we visited. The beginning started back with Greek Olympics all the way to present day. We got to see a huge sculpture of Hercules (picture below). Then we proceeded to the most interesting section for me which was the gymnastics history. I guess I have never really researched the history of gymnastics which made this super interesting. Obviously, just like all other sports gymnastics started out as an all male sport and the men did what is now the beam and the parallel bars too name a few. I also learned that the vault table is called a horse because the Calvary troops would practice mounting on the horse and off of the horse and so they made an artificial horse to practice. And from that the horse used for vault in gymnastics evolved. The museum was very interactive and we got to actually do some Greek Olympics long jumping which doesn't have running in front of it and then I got to participate in a sort of weight lifting exercise. It was so neat how agile our tour guide was as well. I even got my picture on the old wooden Greek balance beam! It so was so wobbly and hard!
After the museum I got Subway for lunch for the first time. It was pretty close to America’s subs but just a little different tastes. We all had to collaborate back at the AIB building to do our final evaluations of the trip and meet about our last week excursion. We will be heading out by train tomorrow to stay in Lausanne, Switzerland for two and then we have a bus that takes us to our starting place of our two day hike. We then spend one day hiking up, stay the night at the top of the mountain at a lodge, and then spend a day walking down. Sunday after we get done hiking we will take a bus to Munich, Germany. Monday we go to Austria to see the castle that the Disney Castle is famous after and Tuesday we spend back in Munich. And then Wednesday we head home!!! So bitter sweet!
Tonight, we all met up for our last dinner together and to have some drinks. It was a great way to end and we all ended up going to a close bar after and just enjoying our last night in Bonn. Tonight I also tried a new kind of beer called the Hefeweicen. It is a much stronger beer than I am used to with a lot of yeast but it definitely grew on me. The best is when you burp after drinking it, the taste is like pineapple!
I don’t know what the internet access will be for the next trip so I will keep updating as much as possible for the next week.
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